Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 9 post 2

With the intensification of globalization and growth in technological sophistication and access, who do you think are the winners and who are the losers in the global economy?


SalimRenee said...

I believe the losers are those that are less fortunate. With the rise in technology, those who cannot afford to keep up will be left behind. Schools are becoming more and more technological. Lower income families will not be able to support their children’s educational growth at home. The difficulty in furthering their education will hurt them in the long run in finding jobs. Its becoming harder and harder for young people to find decent work without a degree. Outsourcing of jobs isn’t helping either. I know all the big companies will defend the need to do it to cut costs, but what does it cost us in return? America doesn’t seem to make anything anymore. That means fewer jobs. And the people who do find those jobs have to compete with illegal immigrants. This has always been the land of opportunity, but those opportunities should be sought after in the proper way: come here legally; learn the language; contribute your share. I don’t feel there are any winners. Sure, the big business executives may feel like they are on top, but who really wins while others are still struggling? Take some of the profit and turn it into something great, a future for someone less fortunate.

stephanie said...

I believe that as technology advances there will be fewer needs for us to do certain jobs. Think about it already robots are making a lot of our goods that we consume in order to save on money, but that puts people out of jobs and then they are less fortunate than others because they have no jobs. As it gets more and more in depth in the advancement of technology than more and more people will be out of jobs. People will not be able to afford to keep up with the new advancements. I think that the top people will be the only ones to succeed, everyone else will always struggle because as the old saying goes the rich get richer while the poor gets poorer. That is a very true saying, and I believe it will continue on until the end of time.

Jenna said...

I believe the losers are the generations that have come before me. They were a generation of hard work and perseverance. They worked hard so that those who followed would not have to suffer the way they did. But now, we have created a world, a virtual world, where they are not a part of. We consider them to old to matter and instead of helping them like they helped us we write them off and leave them out of the new world. Some cannot afford health care, others cannot navigate the web, while others are having to work through retirement just to keep afloat. We have not in anyway returned the favor for them. We are constantly changing our world, our economy and our society and not including them.

If we only take a second to listen to them we would find they still, regardless of our actions, what to protect us. They want us to see that our actions, both socially and economically, have consequences, big ones. They have lived through recession, famine, poverty, and wealth. They have endured and overcome, and believe it or not, do understand what we are going through.

Anonymous said...

The losers are us, as well as the unfortunate. Schools are crippled. They teach subjects you will never need and make them mandatory. The difficulties with job security... need I say more. Taxes is at an all-time high, just like gasoline. We know this, but it still remains. Bleeding your brains with facts will not solve the problem. Action and responsibility is needed in this country. Pointing fingers is pointless. Time for some around here!!!

Eric said...

I don't think that there are any losers or winners. Everyone uses some sort of technology, whether it be a high tech computer, or something as simple as a fishing pole. In most places technology is everywhere and it is a necessity making life better for people, but in other locations it is not needed for anything and everyone goes through there life not using it. Technology is not about how advanced something is or how cool it looks but how effective it is. I beleive that technology is just something extra that we have and think we need but in actuality it is just making us lazier and causing more and more problems as we make advancements toward the future. This is why I think that everyone is a winner with the technology that we have but we are also losers because sometimes technology only makes things get a lot worse.

SuperKaiju said...

To put it simply, the losers are those who can't adept to the changes and the winners are. If you can work and live in a changing world, be it through globalization or technological growth, you should do fine in life. Of course I also mean in there not only keeping up, but understanding said topics. Doing that should definitely help with becoming a 'winner' and stay from being a 'loser'.

Will said...

There are winners and losers. The winners are the wealthy because it's a capitalistic society. The world thrives on trades, investments, etc. Now the losers are everyone else because of lack of money and resources to get to it. People are losing jobs, which is driving the unemployment rate up.

Stev0Carter said...

Globalization is the process by which the economies of countries around the world become increasingly integrated over time. This integration occurs as technological advances expedite the trade of goods and services, the flow of capital, and the migration of people across international borders. The term has been used in this context since the 1980s, when computer technology first began making it easier and faster to conduct business internationally. Globalization can also refer to the efforts of businesses to expand their operations to new countries and markets.

JR said...

The winners in the global economy are the high-income countries that are far more advanced than the low-income countries. The low-income countries are the losers as they fall way behind due to their chosen policies. These losers seem to keep themselves isolated from the rest of the world, making the income gap between high-income and low-income countries a matter for concern. If these countries can all come together and help one another seek to reduce poverty, the poorest countries will be able to benefit in globalization.

andrew said...
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andrew said...

I believe people who work as hard as they can to be successful in life are the winers. technology is the future and to get a good or decent job you will need training. technology is taking over so many jobs today and people with no education are having a tough time. A college degree should be the first thing on your mind.i agree with salimrenee that losers are the unfortunate. but in the beginning every body is a loser at one pint in time and it all depends on how hard you want to work.

David Morra said...

Globalization is a tricky topic to talk about because it is helping and hurting both sides. Globalization is hurting our country because of the jobs that are being shipped to other countries but those jobs are helping those countries. With the jobs that we don't want are being shipped to other countries we are leaving all of the high paying jobs here in the states so its forcing the public to educate themselves so they can get a job because all of the low paying jobs are sent overseas. so in the end we are helping and hurting ourselves and other countries with globalization.

ablogger said...

The article discusses how in the past two years the gap between the wealthy and the poor has grown significantly. This distance has created an even more of an uphill road for one to either pay their bills or further their education. Before the economy started to falter, there was a surge in income. The poor and middle class populations were not able to reap the rewards of success like wealthy. This inequality will ultimately harm the economical and political system according to coauthor, Elizabeth an associate with The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
The understanding that the gap has increased so much that you can now see how the majority of the public are having trouble keeping up with daily living expenses.

khaled said...

as we move onto the twenty first century, it is increasingly evident that economic and environmental changes are occurring on a global scal. the effect of these changes are dustributed unequally both within and across national boundries.
To begin with winners of globalization, it is essential to mention about progress in medicine. On the whole, general health is now improving, and in the developing countries medical aid programmes are already working towards creating a healthier population.