Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 7 post 1

Please write an abstract of the article at the following link and post here.


stephanie said...

The next president does have to deal and most of the time fix problems that the president before them left behind, but most of the time that new president will cause problems that are just as bad if not worse than the ones before them. Take Bush for example many people do not agree with what he is doing, but think, realistically, of what the consequences are of doing the opposite of what he is doing. No hes not perfect, but hes better than Clinton was $&!#. He didn't do much--like people say he did. The only people who he affected was the rich or the incredibly poor and gheto, not the middle man (which is the majority of the country).
I'm just going to stop here before I say something that can get me kicked out.

Jenna said...

The article, “The Next President” by Richard Holbrook, was a well-written introduction into the similarities and differences between the Obama, McCain presidential campaign.
In today’s campaign all eyes are on foreign policy. The article highlights the contrasts between McCain’s’ strong, forceful Iraq policies and Obama’s ideology to end the war today.
The article also discusses domestic policies as well as budget and taxes. It does a fair assessment of either ones platform. Showing that even with today’s lack of research and fair reporting, there are a few journalists out there that care to be unbiased.

Will said...

John McCain feels America needs a president who can revitalize the country’s purpose in the world and defeat terrorist adversaries who threaten our liberty at home and abroad. He also feels the country’s best days are yet to come and be ready to establish an enduring peace built on freedom.
Barack Obama feels we need to renew American leadership. The war in Iraq must come to an end soon so they can start the withdrawal process.

Sharmaine said...

I think one of the most difficult duties of being president next to anticipating what may happen to the country and find ways to prepare/avoid it, is (as pointed out by Stephanie), cleaning up the last guy's mess. This really sucks because the "leftover pile" is increasing with each fiscal election year (every 4).

Anyway, as far as the article, it accurately and in detail highlights the overall concept of foreign policy as a whole, while comparing and contrasting each candidates interpretation on these "rules".

David Morra said...

Im not sure which person will win the presidecy but all i hope is that who ever wins McCain or Obama that they address the issues of the so caled war on terrorism and try to pull out without making the Unites States look like the global babysitters or else every other country is going to be asking for our help. I think that the next president should focus on bringing our economy back up and give our nation a leg to stand on and a major priority of the president should be removing our dependence on oil and find more ways to provide energy and at the same time put a stop or atleast slow down global warming.

justinleake said...

"The Next President" by Richard Holbrook, was in my opinion, on point and well-written. He raised many points and issues about what needs to be done by the next president and because of what hasn't been done by our current president. In the article he shapes a very insightful list of world issues and each candidate's views and plans for them; all while interchanging and comparing Bush to McCain, to Obama, to former administrations. [Nobody cares about your warped views on anyone's presidency; this is an abstract of the article, not your opinion.]

Anonymous said...

This article was about our 2008 election and the major players as well as there ideas of where to take our country. They talk about the major points, foreign policy and the war, as well as each candidates plans for our country.

SuperKaiju said...

The next president will have a lot to deal with when he enters office. He will have to deal with everything left behind from the president before as well as his own future endeavors. He'll have to deal with the current problems with our country. As president he'll have to live up to unrealistic standards placed upon him from the people who elected him. Needless to say, the next president will have his plate full with problems.

Anonymous said...

Presidency 08'

Richard Holbrook. Cut out all the boring literature because you're boring us all! Anyways, the United State presidency is no joke... convincingly. The presidency involves the aspects of all things "worldwide" while also dealing with situations within the immediate country. To be brief, the comparisons and differences between both nominees depends on your character and "comfort" level toward life. People crave for war while others disagree. Past presidents have been pressured into the "arm pits" of problems, simply by not using their own brain. Without naming names, change needs to occur if we as people expect the economy to flourish. Foreign policies, diplomatic issues, and just cause...

ablogger said...

The Next President
Mastering a Daunting Agenda by Richard Holbrooke
A comparison of foreign policy by recent past presidents and the current candidates in competition for the presidency is the topic of Richard Holbrooke’s essay. Numerous regional concerns were addressed from the past as well as current issues that will be the subject matters for the next president also. While this article points out many failures in how policies have been dealt with in the past a few success stories are mentioned additionally.

Stev0Carter said...

The next president I believe has to live up to his expectations because; if Obama wants change in energy and healthcare he should change if he gets elected. If McCain is elected he should focus on his issues to make the U.S. a greater nation. The president should do what they feel to make the United States better each year that the are in office. Obama for change McCain more of the same of course because Bush is a republican and McCain is too. Theses guys of course will want to do the same issues. I agree with this statement Obama has a far more comprehensive plan, with an ambitious goal for emissions reduction, a market-based mechanism that has broad support among economists on the left and the right, and substantially greater investments than McCain's plan in technologies that will help achieve these goals. McCain stresses removing environmental restraints on domestic and offshore drilling. This is hardly a serious long-term solution to anything even if major new fields were found, they would have no effect on supply for at least a decade, and they would do nothing for climate change or conservation.

EYESACK said...

Our next president is faced with a tremendous challenge. It is very difficult to make these transitions inn times like these. Personally, I am not fond of president Bush, but it may even be better to have him stay as president. Like it or not, our nation is going to be extremely vulnerable for some time after the election. Although John McCain may be the better man as far as national security--being that he was a military man--he is approaching ninety years old. He has already surpassed the average lifespan of a typical American. Will he even live for another four years? If we vote for McCain, we must have strong confidence in his VP.
My opinion of Obamma is that he could be a successful leader for our country. If we think for the long run, he has many bright ideas to help dig our economy out of the crater. Now, speaking from an un-biased point of view, there is an alarming population of white supremacists in America that would stop at no cost to see Obamma dead. Not to be insensitive, but although I would rather choose to vote for him, I believe that there will be many an attempt on his life. Therefore, if we vote for Obamma, again, we must have strong confidence in his vice president.

andrew said...

I believe that the next presidents is going to have more problems coming into office. whoever becomes president should focus ending the war. This country has a lot of problems and one person can not take care of ever one. But we need someone who will take action on the most important problems. I think this article has done a great job displaying the difference between the two candidates. Obama and McCain both have good view points and planes that they say is good for the country. Now all we can do is wait and see what happens.

SalimRenee said...

Mastering a Daunting Agenda
Richard Holbrooke
This article expresses the wide array of responsibilities the next president will face. It points out that not everyone will be satisfied with his performance because our expectations and hopes are so high. Some things need to change a little, while others need to change a lot. It highlights the different standpoints of each of the current candidates. The next president will need a good team to help him accomplish any goals set to him. Many things must be changed to stabilize the country and help it move forward. Both candidates have strong policies and the ultimate election will not be an easy one.

Daryl Strawhand said...
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Daryl Strawhand said...

The Next President

Over the past years, I've become more and more distant from my country then I've ever been before. Now, that isn't to say this is all because of Bush. He's just simply doing his job; which is the problem. He's running the country according to his party and their views and not those of the people.
Both party's need to focus more on putting their ideas together to solve our countries problems. Rather than giving us false hope or a sense of relief by telling us what we want to hear long enough to get elected.

America needs change. Here's how I see it..

We aren't going to get the change we need with another 8 years of the same politics.

That isn't to say I want Obama or that we should elect Obama.

Clearly, Obama wants change and has stressed this all throughout his campaign. But, do we really need the change he is proposing.

JR said...

Richard Holbrooke’s “The Next President, Mastering a Daunting Agenda” is an excellent article about how our next U.S. president will inherit a more difficult set of international challenges than any predecessor since World War II. The details of this article talks about the many responsibilities the next president of the United States would have to fulfill in order to be considered a successful president. Despite the many problems we have dealt with for the last eight years with our current president, our soon- to- be elected president, whether democrat or republican, will be faced with the biggest challenge of his life. There are a lot more issues at hand he will have to deal with than the ones that are discussed in this article. I hope our next president will be prepared for the major events that are to come. His leadership role will be essential to the future of America and the rest of the world.

Eric said...

This article was very informative about both sides of the presidential race between Obama and McCain. It covers many current events such as money and taxes and other important topics like the war. It shows both sides equally and doesn't really favor one over the other. Whoever becomes the next president has big shoes to fill and there is many things that require change and ammending to.